Preparation is Key
Everyone knows that good preparation makes for a good meeting, and yet so few people put the time...
Everyone hates long meetings right? Well not everyone, and sometimes you need a long meeting to make a big decision or discuss a complex topic. That doesn’t excuse the vast majority of meetings though that are needlessly long. Beset by over enthusiastic attendees who like to hear their own voice, or want to bludgeon you in to their way of thinking. Thankfully there are ways to deal with this and get your meetings down to half the time.
We chair a lot of meetings as regular readers of this blog will know. About 250 board meetings per year and plenty more besides. We have developed a way of working to make sure we get the best of our time and that of the other attendees. It relies on a few specific techniques:
So whilst there is no magic bullet – there are certainly a few things you can try. Give it a go and see if you can halve your meeting times (or get twice as much done).
Everyone knows that good preparation makes for a good meeting, and yet so few people put the time...
So you wrap up the meeting, and using Magic Minutes, the pdf record of the meeting gets...
Surely AOB comes at the end right? We don’t think so.