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Interesting Stuff

Thoughts & ideas on how to make meetings better

MM History – Part Seven – The First Drafts

There’s something amazing that happens in the brain when someone else spends time on something you...

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Balancing Strategy & Tactics in a Board Meeting

When we join other people’s board meetings, there are bound to be a number of things different from...

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MM History – Part Six – Selecting a Designer

We had got to the point of realising we needed experts to design not just the look and feel, but a...

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The “Synergy Table” for a Board Meeting

As you will know from this series of blogs, we see a lot of board rooms and sit in on a lot of...

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MM History – Part Five – Wireframes for V2.0

At this stage we knew we were going to have to redesign the User Interface (UI). Our version 1.0...

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Y-Shaped Board Tables – One of the best set-ups we’ve seen

This morning’s meeting, once again taken with Magic Minutes, was in one of our favourite meeting...

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AOB at the start?

Surely AOB comes at the end right? We don’t think so.

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MM History – Part Four – Launching Version 1.0

It is only when you come to code something up that you realise how complicated the simple things...

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What’s the best shape board room table?

Another Board Meeting this morning, using Magic Minutes to take the minutes and actions and send...

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